Sunday, August 8, 2021

Summer Sewing Thoughts



Hot, dry, and windy--a good time to check out what would work best for the weather you are having.  Stores are air conditioned.  Or maybe if you have time to relax search for patterns online while sipping lemonade or iced tea!

Here is a sermon that is worth listening to if you have any questions about what you wear and whether it is God-honoring.  Hot weather tends to make one want to "be comfortable"  but that doesn't mean you take off clothes or not put enough on.  Take a listen to this.  He is being honest. "Nakedness & Modesty"

Now after you have listened to this sermon, peruse the following patterns to see if they come close to the suggestions implied, perhaps with some simple alterations such as lowering the hemline or raising the neckline.  These are patterns pretty much available either online or storefront such as JoAnn's.

Perhaps sew skirt opening securely!

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